The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in Truth. -Psalm 145:18


In James we see the stricter judgment for teachers and pastors. Our desire is to encourage those men God has called to be pastors to be rightly handling the Word of God. We teach them to inductively study His Word, verse by verse with scripture interpreting scripture. Our goal is to equip them and pray that God gives them the understanding and wisdom to in turn teach the sound doctrine of the Word to their families, people and churches.
The Bible commands us to go … to go and make disciples in all nations. Our purpose is to share Christ and to teach and encourage believers to grow in the knowledge and truth of God’s Word. We want to see disciples… making disciples!
Kenyans are very community minded. We want to be available to the opportunities that God presents to share the love of Jesus as we serve the community of Kebabe and Kisii at large. Currently, in addition to the Hen Project and the Church, we primarily are building relationships and as God presents needs such as food, prayers, assistance, basic first aid and general encouragement - He provides and equips us to meet those needs on His behalf.