The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in Truth. -Psalm 145:18

Abide in Truth is a ministry to Kisii, Kenya in East Africa. Our purpose is to go and make disciples, teaching and equipping the men, women and children of the region to follow after God with their whole heart, soul and mind.
You may visit out FAQs page for more information about our organization and our affiliates.
JAN 2009 - While serving with Bible Senders, providing Bibles across the globe, Randy Saul began encouraging a young pastor in Kenya with the Word, sharing inductive Bible study tools. That led to setting up one on one discipleship with another missionary a few hours away.
JAN 2010 - Randy spent two weeks in Kisii, Kenya continuing the discipleship, reaching more men desiring to know the Truth.
FEB 2011 - Randy spent six weeks joined by a team of 12 from CCPH with a concentrated effort on an Orphanage and a Conference for over 100 pastors and leaders seeking to know Christ more.
FEB 2012 - Randy spent 2 months in Kisii. During this trip, he did an Inductive Bible Study, six hours a day, three days a week, with eight local pastors. Kari, his wife, joined him the last two weeks, where confirmation of God's calling became clear to the both.
The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. -Proverbs 16:9